You are currently browsing all posts tagged with 'esk galaxy shawl cal'.
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day 3 eat sleep knit cal

  • Posted on March 10, 2016 at 12:46 pm

i finished the last 7 rows. though i was distracted and had to redo the last three rows.. twice! :argh! in my defence i had my kid home sick and i’m fighting the flu as well.


apparently my scale is not as accurate as i would have liked. i had to frog my swatch to finish the last row and still ended up with only about 15 yds to spare. however i did win the came of chicken since i finished without running out:) i was hoping to put a border on the shawl but no yarn left and i don’t have anything in my stash that goes well enough. so it will stay as is. planning to dye it tomorrow if i have the right color in the basement dye stash.

apparently my scale is not as accurate as i would have liked. i had to frog my swatch to finish the last row and still ended up with only about 15 yds to spare. however i did win the came of chicken since i finished without running out:) i was hoping to put a border on the shawl but no yarn left and i don’t have anything in my stash that goes well enough. so it will stay as is.

now to see if i have the right blue dye in the basement dye stash to fix the color. i will post a picture of it again when i get it dyed and blocking or blocked.

day 1 progress

  • Posted on March 8, 2016 at 10:14 pm

i got almost up to the 16 star pattern set done. not bad for the first day, i think if i keep this up i can get it done in a week like i was hoping. we’ll see how much i get done tomorrow….
Day 1 progress!