one of our favorite places to stop when we travel is beside creeks streams or rivers, which of course almost always entails a bridge of some sort. boys being boys, noah and emrys had to climb on the underside of this old rusted bridge.
doll a day 14 light
dovey on the path by the lake. since the camp was handicap accessible, she got to go to camp too this time!
doll a day 13 colorful
i’m falling way behind, but we went away out of town to a wedding this weekend and fearing the chaos that would ensue if we left all of the little ones behind with untried sitters we signed 6 of them up for a camp nearby, then made a holiday of the travel there and back, taking photos as we went. this one epitomized color to me.
doll a day 11 books
i think poor lucy got shafted. while she was chasing two wild boys around the house. wren got to read stories to two sleepy little girls. hope lucy got paid double!
doll a day 10 sleep
lucy got stuck babysitting the “terrible twosome”. not sure how much sleep is going to happen, but i bet lucy will need it once the boys are finally in bed! 😆
doll a day july 9 technology
it all start with a fairly typical squabble between the boys and the girls. you know the one…. “anything you can do i can do better?” the little boys were loudly proclaiming their superiority at all things, especially athletic, and amber had just had enough. the day had been rather hot and she was rather tired and cranky to begin with i think. anyway she said the girls were so much better than the boys that she could beat them at soccer with dovey as her partner, even though dovey can’t walk! of course the boys didn’t stop to think, they just accepted the dare.
never underestimate sneaky girls and a power chair!
doll a day july 6 – water
a sudden hail storm inspired a different interpretation of the word “water” than i had planned. emrys and noah were wide eyed at the huge piles of snow balls all over the yard and insisted on going out for a snowball fight before they all melted away.