painting painting and more painting…

  • Posted on August 2, 2012 at 11:57 pm

i’ve been do, and redoing faceups all week. the weather, as it has been all summer, has not been the best for it, either raining or threatening to rain so that even when i think it is dry enough i’ve been struggling with bubbly msc. on the bright side i’m getting lots of practice doing faceups!

this was the week of the pukifee. skylar (pio) needed her first. here she is unpainted
pio unpainted 3
amberglas had a badly chipped chin and crystal somehow managed to chip off most of her upper lip paint when i wasn’t looking, so they decided to keep skylar company and make it a girls day out. except it turned into most of the week and crystal and noni aren’t quite done.

oh yeah, noni. noni has a great personality but the white skin really bothered me and never fit in with the other kids. i struggled with whether to adopt her out and get a normal skin ante to replace her, (but then she would be too close to crystal), reshell her as a bonnie or dye her. two weeks ago digory (my other ws) got a makeover and now sports a lovely tan, but it took 3 days, 2 dye baths, 3 cans of msc and a LOT of fiddling. so i decided not to try it with a pukifee. so that left adopting her out and trying a different doll.
then i had the idea of playing up the white skin and repainting her as a ghost or a dryad. so noni was wiped down and joined the others at the spa. her faceup is almost complete and i’m loving her new look so far. it’s going to require a different wig and eyes completely so she might not be done for a while yet but i think she will be a keeper. she’ll also get a new name and character. so noni as such will actually go on holidays and come back some time in the distant future as a bonnie i think.

to be continued…

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