You are currently browsing the archives for 2017.
Displaying 21 - 25 of 25 entries.

sweet as candy

  • Posted on January 21, 2017 at 1:18 am

in spite of the fact that i had to constantly frog this one back to get the vision in my head to match the work on my needles, this shawl was done fairly quickly. it is the biggest of the shawls so far and my current favorite. the colors on this one were inspired by this years yarnathon theme of “candyland” but i think it would look stunning with jewel tones on black, or a gradient of blues on cream. i’m pretty sure there will be more in the girls future….

candyland knit and ends woven in

like the last one, the size of my candy shawl would work equally well as a shawlette or scarf for bigger dolls like an sd or american girl. i’m in the process of turning my notes for the last two into actual patterns, that i hope to have available soon on etsy and ravelry

a tale of two cities

  • Posted on January 18, 2017 at 3:00 pm

shawl #2 for the eatsleepknit kal, inspired by a really pretty shawl called 5190 miles by melanie berg. i had to re-write this one completely, using different stitches, to get it to workout in msd size. it would also make a lovely scarf for my sd doll (who won’t be modelling it as she has no clothes 😉 ) or an american girl doll if i had one that size.
tale of two cities
i’m going to block them all this weekend i hope in preparation for photos next week

winter quarter kal

  • Posted on January 17, 2017 at 12:48 pm

the eatsleepknit kals are wonderful this year. since they are vaguely freestyle and we can combine projects to get the required yardage, i’m able to do lots of doll knitting/crocheting and have it qualify. i’m hoping to join all the kals, will have to see whether the flash kals work out too. this is going to help me get lots of yarn knit up this year. yay!

the winter season has two kals, melanie berg patterns and persian dreams. i’m knitting some nice warm winter shawl-scarves for my minifee girls for the first one. so far the patterns are more “inspired by” than actually following 😉 but that is always the way i knit and they are coming out quite nicely i think.

back at last?

  • Posted on January 14, 2017 at 9:35 am

please forgive me for my long absence, these last few months have been challenging to say the least. my middle child has had some serious health issues that have taken up most of my time. we are hoping/praying that he is stable right now and i may be able to get back to making doll stuff and checking in to my various forums on the net, at least a little bit, anyway.

so one of my favorite yarn stores eatsleepknit is having their yearly yarnathon, and this year looks like a winner as far as i’m concerned. they are allowing us to add projects together for the kals, cals and booster club prizes, so i can work on my doll stuff and actually have it count! 🙂 🙂 🙂

i’ve started a new blanket for the girls couch. i’m only being cautiously optimistic ’cause i started a christmas one O_O. and i’m working on some shawls that will hopefully get done in time to wear before summer hits. everything is being done in malabrigo lace so far. its the softest lace yarn i know of that doesn’t have cashmere in it, and eatsleepknit has tons of colors!

here’s a sneak peek at my christmas blankie.
snowflakes on a snowy road
i worked on it over the holidays, so took my “on the road” pic already in hopes that they have that badge again this year. if not it seemed appropriate anyway to do a snowflake afghan in the snow.


  • Posted on January 13, 2017 at 3:26 pm

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

perhaps not. i’ve been madly crocheting little hats and elf slippers, working my way through my mohair stash. even though the yarn is supposed to be the same size and i use the same hook, my results seem to vary a considerable bit.
i did read somewhere that you should always knit the sleeves of sweaters at the same time because your tension will vary depending on your mood, specifically how relaxed or tense you are. i believe it, because it certainly seems to hold true for me. i’ve had to be careful to finish both slippers at the same sitting and i try each hat on as i go to make sure it works for the size intended.
nevertheless my smallest hats vary from form-fitting beanies to slouchy over-sized tams. not what i’d originally planned, but they all look cute, so i’m not going to worry about it…..
still does that mean i am insane because i get a different result each time, or am i crazy for expecting them all to match? hmm, i wonder 😆

on the other hand, i think i have a bigger concern than my doubtful sanity. i’m beginning to be convinced that i am allergic to mohair. at first it was just being stuffed up and mild asthma symptoms, both common enough that i could mostly ignore them. however now i think the suspicious rash that appears and disappears on my arms may have a direct correlation to my use of mohair yarn. since i have a significant stash left in some truly gorgeous colors, this could be problematic. but will i stop using it? probably not. it is winter right now so i will try to finish it all up this winter while i can yet wear long sleeves. then the trick will be avoiding getting more, unfortunately i’m seldom that sensible about my stash building.