abandoned dock

  • Posted on August 15, 2013 at 5:14 pm

we went up to see mica dam (outside of revestoke bc). as it turned out we couldn’t actually get close to the dam and since i had the macro lens on my camera i couldn’t get any shots that really looked like much, but the road to it was lovely, and there were several neat places to explore where the old highway went in and out of the river(lake?) now that the water level is higher because of the dams. i’ll be posting pictures over the next week or so as i get them uploaded.

here is the first set: eilidh exploring an abandoned dock.
apparently several of the places the highway disappears into the lake make good boat launches, but this one isn’t being used for anything anymore. still i found it rather picturesque. eilidh just thought it was fun! 😉
abandoned dock
abandoned dock

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