fabric stashes

  • Posted on January 26, 2012 at 9:42 am

“my husband says that i can bring home as much fabric as i can hide.”

twenty five reasons for buying fabric

1. it insulates the closet where it is kept.
2. it helps keep the economy going. It is our patriotic duty to support
cotton farmers, textile mills and quilt shops.
3. it is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care.
4. it was on sale.
5. Okay, it wasn’t on sale, but by the time it was, all the good stuff would be gone.
6. a sudden increase in the boll weevil population might wipe out the
cotton crop……..for the next ten years.
7. it keeps without refrigeration. you don’t have to cook it to enjoy
it. you never have to feed it, change it, wipe its nose or walk it.
8. you need some extra weight in the trunk of your car for traction on
snowy, icy roads. this is important even in warm climates. you
never know when the weather will change.
9. like dust, it’s good protecting previously empty spaces in the
house, like the ironing board, laundry hamper and the dining room table.
10. when the big earthquake comes, all the fabric shops might be
swallowed into the ground and never seen again.
11. it’s not immoral, illegal or fattening. it calms nerves, gratifies
the soul and makes me feel good.
12. you’re working on building a complete collection.
13. because it’s there
14. it won’t break.
15. it’s much cheaper to cover the floor with fabric than new carpeting, and you can change the look more often.
16. you have new shelves for fabric storage, and if you don’t fill them up, they won’t look right.
17. they get angry when you steal it.
18. it will go with some you bought last year.
19. it’s so pretty, and you’ll use it some day.
20. a large fabric stash is the sign of a creative mind.
21.to keep the bed from falling down
22. i’m setting a good example for my children.
23. it’s raining (sleeting, snowing, hailing, thundering, sun’s too hot?).
24. it’s important to invest in cotton futures.
25. buy it now before your husband retires and goes with you on all of
your shopping expeditions.

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