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30 day photo challenge day 3 part 2

  • Posted on December 16, 2011 at 6:45 pm

fast forward several hours. i was still disappointed with my challenge pictures from earlier, but all that was about to change. enter a mischievous little sprite named smidge. smidge was playing in the kitchen and somehow got up onto my knickknack shelf. peeking out through a lazer sculpture a friend brought back from a mexican vacation, she was grinning engagingly and then i saw it. look at me
lovely reflections serendipitously staring back at me…
i grabbed my camera and began to shoot.
fun house mirrors

soso irresistible
my little sweetheart saved the day! 🙂

30 day photo challenge day 3 part 1

  • Posted on December 16, 2011 at 6:30 pm

3. reflections

today’s challenge was unexpectedly difficult. i started off to just do this one quickly as i didn’t have much time. we dragged some large books to the french doors and eilidh clambered up for our first attempt. in spite of all the smudges on the door we did get a reflection but it was disappointingly faint.
out the door
eilidh’s curls were glowing in the sunlight making for a surprisingly lovely picture, but not right for the challenge.

we moved over to the window and she obligingly jumped up. this time the only reflection was of the reflector i was using to enhance the back lighting. definitely not what i had in mind!
only a reflector
further attempts only yielded the same result, so it was time to move on.

which we did, to the other side of the house and a west facing window. since the reflection was so faint in the strong east light i thought moving to the shadowy side might help, and it did – to a degree
faint shadow
this time i could actually see her face in the reflection. it was still very washed out, but i decided that it would have to do, since i had run out of time.

30 day photo challenge day 2

  • Posted on December 15, 2011 at 5:08 pm

2) a picture of your doll next to a stack of unusual objects that equal their approximate height.

at first i was tempted to measure them against chocolate chips, because everything goes well with chocolate. 😉 but then i figured, that in keeping with the one blue-stocking theme, it would be much better to measure the girls against a stack of yarn or books…. ever indecisive i used both! 🙂
how tall am i?
so, one littlefee, eilidh, is equal to 7 partly used balls of yarn or 16 miniature books.
one pukifee, crystalorn, is equal to 4 partly used balls of yarn or 9-1/2 miniature books
one realpuki, smidge, (with wild hair) is equal to 2 partly used balls of yarn or 7 miniature books (or so she claims and who am i to argue?)

…….and beezie (up on top) claims she is the biggest of them all! 😆

30 day photo challenge day 1

  • Posted on December 14, 2011 at 11:56 pm

i was chatting on doa and someone mention doing a 30 day challenge, which got me thinking. i don’t take photos regularly and when i do i often forget to edit/post them. so i decided to turn it into a 30 day photo challenge. each day i will post a subject and have to take a picture of it. if i miss a day i’ll start again the next (since i’m going over christmas i’m sure to miss some!), but my goal is to do this as consistently as possible. i have all of the days preplanned, thanks in large part to photo game challenges on doa.

if anyone wants to join in, just comment on the posting with your url and i’ll add a link to your blog/site.

so, on to the first challenge:split personality:one doll multiple wigs.

i was going to do this challenge with my jid asa, who just can’t seem to find the right wig. but eilidh said her wig just wasn’t right either and could she please try on some new ones? please, please, please? so here goes…
elidlh’s original wig. the color was good but the wig style was kind of blah and matted really easily.

blonde and brown
this is really not her color! and the style which looks lovely on some of the “older” girls just isn’t right on eilidh.

crazy curls
closer, the color is not bad, but the style is not quite there. she might borrow this one occasionally. but i think ananda gets to keep this one.

dark auburn
love this color but the style is definitely too babyish! ellyce gets her wig back ;O)

brown pigtails
not bad, color is good, but it just doesn’t work for me somehow. i think she loses character with this one, she is just too ordinary.

dark brown
she does make a lovely brunette, but blends in too much with my other girls this way.

carrot curls
now that’s better. my spunky little carrot top is back!

straight red
a little more muted red but i think this one suits her too. i think she will probably go back and forth between the last two. my girls all like at least a couple of choices for variety.