a bjd advent – dec 21 – snow angels and snow fort

  • Posted on December 21, 2019 at 11:00 am

since there was another fresh fall of snow last night, the girls went outside and made snow angels.
dec 21 snow angel eilidh
dec 21 snow angel crystal
dec 21 snow angel cricket

the boys found to their dismay that their winter jackets were in the wash (don’t ask 😉 ), but meg gave them a bunch of giant pompoms and let them have an indoor snowball fight. emrys drew the short straw and had to use the girls pink table as his fort, so he covered it with a blanket so no one could see.
dec 21 snowball fight

some of the shots went pretty wild, no real harm done though,
dec 21 snowball fight

and they had a lot of fun!
dec 21 snowball fight
dec 21 snowball fight

4 Comments on a bjd advent – dec 21 – snow angels and snow fort

  1. Donna says:

    These little guys just make me smile and smile and smile some more!

    Your blog is delightful!

  2. Dorothy in PA says:

    So the girls and the boys had fun. I like the idea of pompom snowballs. Real snowballs can hurt when they make contact.

    • cailyn mcgregor says:

      yeah, someone i know told me about using pom poms or rolled up socks as snowballs when my kids were little. they are much safer, no need to worry about whether or not the snowballs got too icy! i actually saw bags of giant pom poms for sale in the stores this year, just for this purpose.

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